Shape your identity.

Titanium ring Star Flower

STAR FLOWER: purity and nobility of soul.

The flower of the stars represents purity and chastity, nobility and pride of mind.
It expresses honesty and class, and symbolizes the protection of marriage and procreation.
Named so precisely because it comes from the stars, which, falling from the Milky Way and touching the ground, gave life to the milky-white flower.
The Flower of the Stars is therefore a thread that connects earth and sky.

Represents nobility and class.

Time Capsule

A time capsule in Titanium Grade 5 to keep your jewel, forever.

Time Capsule aperta

Shaped on You

The jewel of your dreams, your forever. We sculpt your wish
in the most resistant material in the world.


Our jewelry is not sold in stores, but made and distributed directly by Tijey Titanium Jewelry.
Are interested? Contact us for more information